This article was written by DMMC contributor Ben Croghan. Interested in contributing to this website? Contact us!

Buy advance all-access passes to Little BIG Fest feat. The Soul Rebels right here and save!

Sometimes all you really need to know in order to get sold on a band is their name. We have all had that experience. Maybe a song came across on a friend’s iPod or an album cover caught your eye while walking the aisles of a record store. A name can tell a lot about a band. That’s what I thought about when I first heard Apocalypso Tantric Boys Choir.

From Fairfield, Iowa, this group brings a strong jazz sound to the stage, and it’s everything you would expect from a jazz group. There’s a 12 minute long video on Youtube of Apocalypso playing a song that features a lengthy and spectacular piano solo and surprisingly a bass guitar solo as well.

But this is not to dismiss the band as a typical jazz band. Their website states that band has “retreated to a world of their own non-making closer to Saturn than Mars or Venus.” They once opened a set proclaiming to the crowd that Saturn was at the 17th degree of Virgo, then invited a special guest to the stage to perform spoken word while the band provided background music. This interest in science and astronomy fits perfectly with the mood Apocalypso brings to their music.

Apocalypso Tantric Boys Choir is currently working on their debut record and will be performing at the House of Bricks this Friday.

Be sure to catch Apocalypso Tantric Boys Choir at House of Bricks at 5:00pm at this year’s Little Big Fest.

Check out Apocalypso Tantric Boys Choir:


Little Big Fest 2013

Buy advance all-access passes to Little BIG Fest feat. The Soul Rebels right here and save! These are limited and get you access to all 17 performances in all venues. There will also be a limited number of tickets available at the individual shows. More details available here.

RSVP to LBF on Facebook!

Click here to volunteer for Little Big Fest and get a free pass!

LBF 2013 is sponsored by Tallgrass Brewing Co.Operation Downtown, and Gateway Market.


This article was written by DMMC contributor Ben Croghan. Interested in contributing to this website? Contact us!