2013-02-22 14.58.33

I work retail, so it’s not like I get snow days or anything. During the mega-super-blizzard back in December, the idea of us closing early was not only denied, but met with derision from our corporate overlords. But today I ended up with the day off anyway, so I made a bucketheaded snowman with my daughter. It is always a little weird how Iowa handles inclement weather. Sometimes even the thought of flakes can shutdown the entire state. Don’t do that. Don’t fall into the trap of big weatherman. Ed Wilson cackles to himself when you stay home because of a slight amount of snow. Don’t let Ed Wilson win.

There is a ton of stuff to do, and as usual, I outlined some highlights in my Des Moines I Not Boring column this week. Also, check out that album from Angle it is good. (Aww shucks, here you go.) But let me highlight four here if you don’t feel like clicking on the column:

Backstage Ball – Val Air Ballroom 2/22 7pm

Okay, I’m getting honored by DMMC. Whatever. That’s not why I bring this up. I want you to go to this because they do a lot of cool stuff, and the $75 really does go to good things. Here’s a video of the honorees discussing Des Moines and stuff. I made it all the way through only sort of looking like a dork. Okay, not I didn’t. I look like a total nervous dork who says dork things and does dork stuff with his hands. And somehow, I am the freeze frame when you go to play the video. Shut up. I’m not good on camera or talking in public!

Dylan Sires and The Neighbors, Twins, Gloom Balloon – Vaudeville Mews 2/22 10pm

I put this show in here because it is awesome, because Gloom Balloon’s Patrick Tape Fleming is doing an entire set of only 60′s covers and because I promised I would review Twins’ album prior to their Des Moine.s shows, and due to some unpleasantness, I didn’t get a chance. Go to this show and redeem me. You can make it both the Backstage Ball and this show.

Wrestling With Wolves, Seedlings and Canyons – Vaudeville Mews 2/23 10pm

Josh Putney from Diamonds For Eyes will be playing this show with Wrestling With Wolves. And what do you know, Diamonds For Eyes have a new video. Check it out.

Diamonds for Eyes “No Lament For True Lovers” from DEFT on Vimeo.

The Deer Tracks w/ Analibera and Ramona Muse – Vaudeville Mews 2/24 7pm

I want more people to want to go to this show. Des Moines doesn’t get a lot of catchy, Swedish electronic pop duos. So show Deer Tracks we love them. Check out their video for “Lazarus”.